Thursday, November 18, 2010

What To Do If Exfoliate Nails?

Unfortunately, not all nature has given the opportunity to enjoy the strong, thick, shiny nail plate, with which you can open cans and tighten the bolts, as in advertising. All can acquire by using external means strengthening and do not necessarily grow long fingernails, because a beautiful French manicure does not require a great length.Another thing layer of nails.

If the nail plate begins to stratify, and the upper layers peel off her like a scale, it becomes a real disaster. And this is due not to the fact that you are not able to do a manicure, because native nail plate can zashpatlevat acrylic composition, and forget about the existing problem. However, this does not relieve you of the main problem - the layer of nails. After all, a bundle of nails - not just asking for help themselves claws, this is a direct confirmation that something irregularities with by the body.

Nails are an indication of health of the whole organism. If your nails are in poor condition, it means that the health of the organism is undermined, as a rule, the result of the influence of environmental factors.

You should know that the external environment greatly affects the condition of your hands and nails. If you neglect the proper care of your hands, go in the winter without gloves, wash the dishes or operate a cleaning with aggressive detergents and cleaning products, using cheap poor-quality paints and tools for their removal, then you should prepare for the fact that after a while your nails will delaminate. Therefore, buying cleaning products to choose, it should be those with a less irritating compound, but it is best to wear gloves before you begin work on the house.Choosing tools for manicure, prefer only high quality, and nail polish remover should not contain acetone.

Another thing the internal problems of the body to recognize them much harder. Poor condition of the nail plate may be due to the lack of multiple substances. So, for example lack of calcium in the body to replenish mineral complexes containing vitamin D. Make normal levels of calcium in the body, can be eating the right foods, such as: cheese, fish, nonfat milk, cottage cheese.

Another reason for the layer of nails may be shortage of silicon. It can be found in products such as: grapes, bananas, currants, cherries, brown rice, nuts and root vegetables. If your body contains inadequate amounts of iron, you just feel it. Iron deficiency is manifested dizziness, fatigue, decreased immunity. Iron deficiency can be bridged through the use of the liver, apples, egg yolks, seafood.

Women who are dieting also often complain about the separation of nail plate. To eliminate this cause a layer of nails need to be properly and fully fed. Stress and increasing nervousness can cause a deterioration in the health of nails.

Compensate for a deficiency of missing substances in the body, should also not forget about the treatment by external measures such as the oil bath and rubbing.
Perfect for hand baths, as well as for rubbing into nail plate mixture of lemon and olive oil. Recipe bath: little heated oil, then add 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Dip the tips of his fingers into the mixture for 15-20 minutes, then rub the paint mixture on the hands. If the skin of your hands is very dry, you can prolong the action of the mixture, leaving her in his arms, putting them on plastic gloves, a top warming gloves. Oil well nourishes nails and lemon has an excellent whitening effect.

During the treatment for nails, special attention should be paid to the cuticle, since it is responsible for admission to the nails nutrition. Would be appropriate to purchase paints and colorless foundation for the mechanical strength of the nails. Such means include nylon fiber, silk, which form the protecting frame, which prevents mechanical damage to the nail.

During the treatment a layer of nails should forget about decorative manicure, nails and other delicacies heavier nails and blocking their normal breathing.

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