Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Honey Massage: Honey As A Cure For Cellulite

If you are not allergic, then honey you can not only lose weight, but quickly get rid of cellulite. Honey massage is applied as a remedy for cellulite quite extensively. Of course, you can enroll in a massage parlor, but it can be done at home.

Honey massage
Apply the honey on your palm and begin to drive a light pat on the skin. If honey is very thick, it can be melted in a water bath. Thus, a thin layer of honey is distributed in the skin, to problem areas of the body. Honey massage can be combined with aromatherapy by adding a few drops of essential oil. Further, honey massage produce accurate movements, presses his hands to tear off your skin and dramatically. This is similar to vacuum massage, and feelings can be painful.

During the massage at the Palms appears white mass, do not worry, it's not slag and just whipped honey and beeswax. Duration of the procedure for about 20 minutes, 3 times a week. After graduating massage, honey rinse with warm water and spread it with the skin moisturizer.

After honey massage effect is simply stunning. The skin becomes smooth, elastic, and the cellulite disappear. All this is due to the fact that active metabolic processes, honey has a mild antibacterial effect, whitens skin, smooths out irregularities. Remember, varicose veins, the most important contraindication for any massage.

Honey anti cellulite body wraps
If you have varicose veins, then do the wrapping. That is, take a few spoonfuls of honey, apply it on clean skin and wrapped with foil, then with a towel. Traced 20 minutes wash off with water and be sure to apply anti-cellulite cream. Small capillaries that are damaged during the massage remain in the integrity and security, and the effect on the person, the skin becomes taut and fresh looking.

Honey Diet
First replace sugar with honey. Carbohydrate, which is located in the sugar, and that we add to tea or coffee - not the most useful. Honey is better and easier to digest.Wanted sweet, it is better to eat a spoonful of honey than a piece of cake. In this case, you get sweet, and no sugar. In each diet is said to reduce the amount of consumed sugar. In this case, you can use sweet, replacing them with others. For example: dried apricots with honey and nuts - a wonderful treat? Is not it? Conclusion: with the help of the honey you're not easy to lose weight, but also get rid of cellulite.

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