Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Snoring - Overweight

According to statistics, every fifth woman suffers from a snoring husband. In recent years, the number Khrapunov has increased dramatically. Increasingly, doctors attributed this to an unhealthy diet and as a consequence - are overweight.

Snoring - a sound phenomenon. It occurs when breathing in horizontal position, when there is a movement of the soft palate or pharyngeal muscles. Simple snoring does not prevent the snorer himself, and not a threat to him. After all, as a rule, snoring nearly every person, especially one who is overweight. In addition, when tired or after drinking alcohol relax the muscles and snoring in this case - a normal phenomenon.

Should be distinguished from the syndrome of snoring, sleep apnea syndrome (cessation of breathing during sleep). During sleep, if there is a problem, upper respiratory tract as "fall", covering the space, and air can not enter the lungs. In this case, there is cessation of breathing, blood oxygen concentration decreases the signal goes to the brain, which "makes" people wake up. And these stops breathing and awakening can be from 10 to 60 overnight.

Daytime fatigue - the syndrome stops breathing
If a person has severe phase syndrome, sleep apnea, overnight periods of "not breathing" may be up to four hours. That is, for four hours every night, a person is, we can say in a state of clinical death - notice the doctors. This is very dangerous, because, firstly, it is possible to die during sleep. Secondly, in this state the brain is almost no rest. A man wakes up in the morning tired, "broken." Thirdly, the constant swings of breath - not breath very harmful to both the brain and the heart. They cause early heart attacks, problems with impotence in males, because sex hormones are produced during deep sleep.

About syndrome stop breathing during sleep may indicate fatigue, daytime sleepiness. Relatives who live together with snoring sufferers may notice a sequence in a dream: a long snore - a pause (no breath) - respiratory motion - again, snoring.And this trend is repeated throughout the night.

In Hrapunov must first find out that he: a syndrome of sleep apnea or just snoring. - This can be done in sonologicheskom center. During sleep in such patients should be special devices, recording stops breathing. After finding out if a person suffers at the cessation of breathing during sleep and their number, appoint the necessary treatment.

Refer to Laura or surgeon
Snorer necessarily need to refer to Laura and maxillofacial surgeon. Such doctors should find out whether there is distortion of nasal septum, problems with the nasopharynx, larynx, etc., pathology bite. If it turns out that snoring is the soft palate, which sinks, this problem is solved by means of surgical intervention. Soft palate can be "reinforced" by the implant. This procedure is virtually painless, carry it under local anesthesia.

In the case of moderate or severe sleep apnea syndrome, when a patient threatens to heart attacks, strokes or even death during sleep in sonologicheskih centers offer CPAP therapy. Sick every night, or after certain provocations (such as after drinking alcohol) wears a special device that delivers the extra air into the airways. The effectiveness of such treatment - a wholly-owned.

Establish a diagnosis and, if necessary, to treat sleep apnea syndrome may be a doctor. The treatment process long, can reach one to two years or more. Snoring tips:
1. Try not to sleep on their backs;
2. Select the appropriate cushion. It may not be very high and not too soft;
3. Sit on a diet - if you have excess weight;
4. Do not eat food at 2:00 to sleep, do not go to bed with fullness;
5. Rinse before bed throat with a solution of sea salt;
6. Minimize the use of alcoholic beverages, and generally better discard them.

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