Wednesday, November 17, 2010

High Temperature: Is It Always Worth It To Shoot Down?

Recently, more and more began to talk about that a high temperature with a cold - it's good, it means that your body fights. And do not disturb him, taking antipyretics. Is this true?

In fact, everything depends on the patient's condition. If he had delirium, convulsions, severe headache, fever means necessary. Moreover, the temperature rise takes place in each individual: one immediately react to the infection a sharp rise in temperature, while others, who, as a rule, low immunity, may be ill for a long time without any temperature. And it's worse: it means that the body does not "include" your immune system to fight infection. At temperatures above 39 degrees it's better to drink antipyretic drugs, put on his forehead (for five to ten minutes), a towel soaked in cold water - this will reduce the headache. If a sick child up to three months, fever preparatynado give, if the temperature is 38 degrees. Re-cure temperature should be taken only when a new temperature jump: for regular use, it is not intended.

And if the antibiotics, then you need to know that they will automatically lower the temperature and, therefore, additionally take an antipyretic not. Remember: aspirin should not be taken on an empty stomach - it can cause internal bleeding. In addition, it generally should not be given to children under 15 years. According to experts, it can cause damage to the nervous system and liver (Reye syndrome). Also not recommended for headaches
caused by heat, take analgin, as it inhibits the formation of blood: to reduce the temperature - will be a headache.Amidopyrine in modern pediatric practice does not apply. But paracetamol (efferalgan, Panadol, Tylenol) - can. But these are general recommendations. In each case the decision is made by your doctor.

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