Monday, November 8, 2010

First Childbirth: What Should A Pregnant Woman Know?

    For most pregnant women, especially those giving birth for the first time, labor and childbirth are the most frightening moment of pregnancy. On the future of young mothers on the subject flow falls plunging into the horror of information from friends, acquaintances and neighbors.

    But you can not prepare for childbirth, using someone else's experience and memories. Anxiety pregnant will dramatically decrease, if it is to know and be clear about the whole process of childbirth. A woman has nine months to to prepare for childbirth and afterwards take an active part in choosing conditions for the birth of her child.

    The whole process of birth the doctors is conventionally divided into three phases. In the first phase is the expansion and smoothing of the cervix that passes through her fetus does not hurt her. The second phase is the immediate birth of the child, and in the third and final phase, beyond the placenta.

1. The first phase: the expansion and smoothing of the cervix
To labor has begun, and the child can pass through the cervix, it must change its shape: with a reduction of the upper part of the uterus, is pulling up to the child's head, her neck and lower part. For women giving birth for the first time, this process takes about 8 hours for women giving birth are already required 4-5 hours. At the time when the uterus finally change its shape, the bout lasted about 40 - 90 seconds and occur every 3-5 minutes.

    Mucous plug falls had covered throughout the pregnancy a hole in the cervix and the cervix begins to unfold, the child could walk freely: the output shows the baby's head.At this time the amnion around the head of the fetus's head is torn, or interference with the doctor, it follows a bit of amniotic fluid. The baby's head is approximately 10 cm in diameter, and the cervix should be enlarged to this size. More frequent and stronger contractions occur precisely at the time of cervical dilatation and at the time of full disclosure, the bout lasted 60-90 seconds every 2 -3 minutes. For the first time, women giving birth process of cervical dilatation may take 3 - 5 hours, for others - much less.

    Position of women in labor for Phase: At this stage the woman is not what is taking active participation. It is recommended to sit, leaning against the pillows, lying on its side. In the transition to the second phase of labor can take any position in which it will be easier, but do not lie on your back seam.
Breathing exercises. In the early battles well to deep breathing to relax the stomach.As soon as the contractions start to grow, and stomach hardens, a woman in labor can use deep breathing chest and breathe between contractions in the usual way:
- Early contractions - a deep breath a deep breath during labor;
- For the middle stage of fights - the shallow and fast breathing during the fight.

2. Second phase: birth
Transition and the beginning of the second phase characterizes the moment when the bottom of the pelvis there is a feeling of pressure, you may be back pain, dizziness and leg cramps. At such times, the voltage increases, and woman is essential to recall the learned breathing exercises.

   At this stage an immediate transition to maternity leave, giving birth to use a shallow rapid breathing during contractions, breath-holding during its peak.
The fight goes on, increasing their frequency and intensity, and time between them has dropped significantly. In women may be tempted to bend down and start to push, as with constipation. However, it is not safe to do until the moment when fully expanded cervix, otherwise it can hurt.

    In the final expansion of the cervix (reported by the physician), you can start a push of a child. Here a mother giving birth is important to remember the buoyant breath: the woman is breathing frequently, rapidly and shallowly, and only at the time of the bout bends down, pushing a child tuzhitsya, holding my breath.
Within 5-40 minutes, a child gets from the uterus into the vagina and is born. When the danger that a child can break the crotch, the doctor can do episiotomy: a cut from the vagina to the anus, which is sutured after the birth. Episiotomy woman can not sit for a while, to experience physical exertion, wearing heavy.

    The child begins to go out on one side and initially (at the right position), rotation appears the head, then shoulders, and the rest of the body. Advance child is forced to uterine contractions. Having a child completes the second phase of childbirth. We are not giving birth to this women, it lasts about an hour from having children - much less, sometimes - a few minutes.

    I was born a child's nose and mouth clear of mucus and keep the head down, went to the mucus from the lungs. When the circulation of oxygen in the lungs and body of the child from the bluish color is pink. Once or a little later, pinch and cut the umbilical cord. Body position during labor a woman may herself choose and change it in the process. Many convenient push, holding themselves while their legs and pulling them to the stomach.

3. Third phase: the output of placenta
The placenta comes out within 30 minutes after the child: the uterus during labor contracts and expands, and the placenta is unable to so easily separated from the uterus. After the release of the placenta, the doctor examines her, without allowing the particles to tissue remained inside the uterus and resulted in bleeding and infection.

    After childbirth, for about 10 days from the vagina permanently allocated bloody fluid: the uterus is cleaned and the place where the placenta. Breast feeding menstruation resumed after about 24 weeks, and ovulation begins with the 20 th week. If a woman is not breastfeeding, menstruation resumed in 6-10 weeks. 6 weeks after childbirth, the uterus and reproductive organs return to their former size.

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