Sunday, November 14, 2010

Health Tips Spine

While we're young and healthy we do not understand what sciatica, persistent pain in the spine and how general it is possible to walk hunched in the form of sticks. Until we do not feel that it is, we do not realize the importance of our pozvonochnika in life.

How can protect yourself and your pozvonochnikot age and subsequent disease?
To get started make sure that chtobymatras where you sleep, was quite tough and smooth. It is worth to buy a special cushion for a pillow. After waking start the day with sipping. Should not hurry and jump out of bed to start stretch your arms up and stretch right - left. Should get out of bed slowly, rolling across the bed to the edge.

When lifting heavy loads, do not bend back. It is recommended to sit or bend his legs, but more importantly, to spin straight and remained motionless. In addition, heavy loads are often hurt the back muscles. Should not be overzealous in carrying boxes, furniture, etc. If carrying cargo bound for you, try not to make unnecessary and abrupt movements, the load on his back was as small as possible.

When you first discomfort in the back, take a supine position on the back and slightly lift his feet. This posture helps to relax muscles and increase circulation. Do not forget about proper posture, because it is due to posture you eliminate half the possible diseases of the spine.

Just recall that high heels alter your gait, and hence provide an additional load on the spine. Of course, without a shoe just can not do, but try not to abuse and wear it no more than 2 hours a day. As you know better than to prevent disease than treat it later. These simple but, nevertheless, important rules to help maintain the health of your spine for years to come.

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