Monday, November 15, 2010

SOS: Save The Hair

Situations with which women seek medical help, trichologist, variety. A cry for help is often accompanied by a long and detailed history, thanks to which a doctor can give worthwhile advice and professional recommendations. But more on that later. Stories are usually similar. We present only the most interesting.

The winner of the long, blond hair to his waist in the past, appealed for help. Thick hair was once so much that they could not embrace one hand, their cherished, nurtured and loved. Hair is not painted, not subjected to chemical perms and drying hair dryer, so as not to cause harm. Expensive shampoos, masks and all sorts of carers must be present in hair care products. The huge volume that owner had tried to cut off suddenly become independently decrease. Climbed sharply hair in large amounts.Especially women scary is how many of them spilled during combing and shampooing. At first glance it seemed that everything is in order, thanks to a unique volume, but the problem existed, and to ignore it has become impossible. Lost hair were everywhere in the apartment, on clothes.

Beriberi, of course, the first thing written off dire situation, but not qualitatively matched vitamin complex or changing seasons have not changed anything for the better. Dermatologists did not have any help, believing that their positions are no violations. But in the end, the woman is now short and very thin hair. In desperation, she with the help of the Internet, found the medical centers, where it took a number of various surveys. Scarecrow's presence on the skin of the head hard white balls, which were in the end lost his hair.

It is not that new is not growing, so only they were vellus, however, and colorless liquid. At length stopped growing altogether, and the doctors shrugged helplessly.Requesting assistance from a woman, did not have excess weight, not ill complex diseases, has not taken any medication, did not subject the hair chemistry. In this case, an endocrinologist, a gynecologist and dermatologist in the health and condition of the patient no abnormalities not detected by a thorough examination. In the analysis of hair, the results are not so happy, some important trace elements and heavy metals deviate from the norm, and almost atrophied hair follicles. In care uses only expensive and high-quality shampoos and tools. To wash it uses mineral water and herbal tea, strengthens hair follicles. Were unsuccessful courses of treatment: ampoules hronostima, revivogenom, VITRUM beauty, multkompleksom, neyrovitanom with tsinkteralom, metobiotinom, injections of vitamin B, darsenvalem, Pulfudom and totems. What was the reason that the hair length to the waist, had to cut the maximum because of the delicacy and rarity?

Specialist with years of experience by reading this detailed history and analysis, does not undertake an accurate and guaranteed correct diagnosis in this difficult situation.Panic women were not unfounded, and completely understand why she spent so many unnecessary tests. Quite a few but well chosen. The doctor recommended a thorough analysis of blood lead overall, the iron, the presence of ferritin, TIBC and TSH. Can not do without a visit to the dermatologist and highly skilled doctors trichologist.

Mikrovideodiagnostika hair phototrichogram deromatoskopiya and oddly enough help to restore the volume almost all, if the real reason is lack of iron. But if the disease is already in the stage of the chronic form, in order to achieve the desired result may take time, the effectiveness of therapeutic agents depends on their correct destination, respectively, from this and the expected result would be achieved either partially or in greater measure.

Suddenly Immediate thinning of hair in large quantities due to a complex of different factors, which may act and frequent stress. In our time, this can not be avoided no one. Health problems, particularly thyroid, very influenced by the hair, as well as the lack of micronutrients and iron in the body. We must not forget about genetically mortgaged predisposition, propensity for baldness.

Another story. On complaint of undiagnosed regular hair loss to a specialist asked the girl in a panic and desperation, seeking support and assistance from a professional doctor. She told that because of Regividon July 21, which receives more than two months by order of her gynecologist, the amount of hair remaining on her head, at so small that the rayed skin. Her only request - to help figure out: whether it can be a consequence of adverse effects on the hair, hormones, and how to fix the terrible situation.

Soothe and clarify the situation the doctor was very easy and concise. As part of the hormonal drug Rigevidon a levonorgestrel, which often provokes a similar problem with the hair. All you need is to consult with a gynecologist and replace prescribed medications for similar. Do not have such bad side effects. After that, everything is restored, and change for the better.

One woman in four years trying to stop hair loss. Regular disappointment and have not been diagnosed. All sorts of tests in various specialized medical facilities have been made, ongoing treatment procedure using mesotherapy in conjunction with the stimulation of growth, gave visible results for long, but at the time of the implementation process. Disappointed with these techniques, she asked for advice how to help make a choice in favor of the most efficient and effective method of treatment and method to make the correct diagnosis is unmistakable.

As explained by the doctor-professional in their field with years of experience, a universal method of diagnosis does not exist. Requires an individual approach using ordinary, conventional ways. Suggested the use of authoring for stopping hair loss.Cell stimulators and skalprollerterapiya uniquely suited to many and effectively applied to the public. The obtained test results in different clinics is important to correctly and accurately reflect on their basis to put the correct diagnosis. After that, it is easy to get rid of unpleasant problems with hair that is constantly hurt the psyche of women and causes depressive despair.

In addition to fear and palpitations of fear remain without hair, the morning of fallen hair on the pillow, no more calls. What could be worse for a woman with a gorgeous mop on his head, to see her after washing the surface of water, studded with numerous strands of hair. In the food completely out of place on the clothes look very unethical and not in style, remain on the seat, the driver's seat and tow to comb fallen hairs, which develop over time into whole skeins. Specialists dermatologists and trichologists for years of years of work with similar problems have clear guidance on the correct decisions and be able to provide quality professional care.

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