I wonder if you know what the word arenation? Do not be surprised if you are not familiar. However, you resort to such treatment each year on the shores of seas, lakes and rivers. Arenation - is treated with hot sand. Basking under the warm rays of the sun, none of us is not aware that hot sand can help us in treating certain diseases.
This therapy appeared long before our birth, the ancient doctors recommend the hot sand on the treatment of many disease and these data are extant in manuscript and tables. Reliably known that the Egyptians did not just love to walk on hot sand, but sand and take hot baths. Unfortunately, these days arenation not apply, according to modern medicine - is not serious.
What kind of action has the hot sand on your body?
You may not believe this, but the sand helps to normalize the metabolism, improve blood circulation, and even to replace pain medication. At high temperatures, what has beach sand, relieve tension in every muscle, there is a gentle surface massage, which has a positive impact on the work of internal organs. Radiculitis patients, polio and diseases of bones and spine are recommended sand baths, this procedure facilitates the mobility of joints and provides an analgesic effect. Besides the hot sand can be used in the treatment of diseases affecting women, especially during inflammatory processes.
This list could go on for quite a long time, important to remember that the hot sand has no contraindications and it is a very important factor in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, this type of therapy is absolutely free.
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