Monday, November 15, 2010

Which is Shown By The Disease Of Nails?

Our fingernails are a special kind of epidermis and, like hair, very accurately reflect the picture of the overall condition of the body. The root of the nail (or, in other words, the matrix) is invisible to the eye but is very sensitive to lack of vital substances and the disruption of the internal organs, as for the development of horn plates - the basis of healthy nails - requires coordinated work of the major body systems. Thus, diseases of nails are often a wake-up call that you want to recognize correctly.

Fragile, exfoliating nails become established as a result of drying nail plate, because the brilliance and strength of nails to attach the interlayer water and fat, interspersed with the basic building blocks nail keratin. With insufficient supply of nutrients and starts splitting, thinning of nails. This suggests that we need to revise your diet and to enrich the diet of foods high in calcium, silicon, iron and vitamin D. To be useful, and specially balanced vitamins and minerals designed to strengthen hair and nails. You can also help your nails with special tonic that should be applied regularly, with butter and cream should be rubbed into it at the base of the nail. It should be remembered that the nail plate is gradually being updated and therefore, the results are not immediately visible, so the treatment can be from 3 to 6 months.

Rejection of the nail plate (Scientifically speaking, oniholizis) is manifested as the appearance of skin area to which the nail rests loosely, forming a lumen. Most often it starts with a small gap at the top of the nail and the nail color is accompanied by changes over such a clearance. If the reason for rejection has not been started recently the injury nail or explicit dermatoses (such as psoriasis and eczema), then oniholizis very likely indicates a failure in the cardiovascular or nervous system. In addition, it may be a manifestation of infectious disease or a consequence of prolonged treatment with antibiotics. In such cases, it is important to prevent progression of the disease of nails, because it could face rejection of the entire nail plate. Therefore it is necessary to undergo a medical examination and to consult a physician for the selection of treatment.
Change shape and color of nails often signals a fairly serious problems in internal organs. So, clearly protruding nail plate signal the respiratory system (lung disease, bronchitis, etc.). The opposite problem - concave nails, when the middle plate forms a kind of hole, says about total lack of iron, which often happens when a sharp transition to a strict vegetarian diet. Frequent "cyanosis" nails, along with constantly cold hands, in most cases indicates a problem with blood circulation, for example, the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Yellow nails, eternal "decoration" of heavy smokers, may be not only a problem of aesthetic properties - such color indicates liver disease, until hepatitis, as well as pathological disorders limoftoka (this problem often encountered by obese). To prevent and treat these diseases requires the assistance of professionals, so do not for a long time to mask the visible shortcomings of nails, not trying to figure out the cause.

Grooves and dots on the nails are always talking about the lack of certain substances in the diet. In this case, vertical stripes that cross all or part of the surface of the nail povdol, signals a lack of iron, and sometimes anemia. In addition, with inflammation and acne on the face, it can be a reward for their commitment to high-carbohydrate diet. Transverse stripes say the same about the lack of minerals, as well as satellites can be prolonged stress or infection, when the forces of the body is not enough to maintain the nail plate in a healthy condition. Not uncommon and the problem of white dots, which are sometimes covered with all the nails. This is a clear sign of deficiency in the body of zinc and potassium, as well as a possible symptom of disorders of the pancreas.

There are reasons that are common to all diseases of the nails. These include smoking, frequent close contact with detergents, nail injuries during separate manicure and too frequent use of decorative coatings in conjunction with preparations for their removal. In all cases you should not postpone treatment until later, or try to solve the visible problems through cosmetic tweaks. Remember - the nails are an indicator of your health, so be careful to feeding the organism signals and avoid ill-considered self-medication.

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