Sunday, November 28, 2010

High Heels - The Way To The Problems

Modern women know perfectly well that perfectly matched shoes, especially high-heeled shoes, can open new horizons of life. And so to the detriment of themselves, quite often go on all sorts of tricks to be a little higher, a little more noticeable.

Most women choose shoes on the advice of friends, or to show off new clothes in front of colleagues. Even though the obvious physical suffering. And during the daylight hours: either preparing breakfast, walking tour with a child, long hours on the subway or bus stops, shopping, shopping - anywhere a woman trying to look attractive.

But beauty often requires sacrifice. About 80% of women who ispolzuyutvysokie heels for 40 years get foot problems. In pursuit of a dream they pick up shoes, forgetting that the shoes should adapt to the pace, and not vice versa. Strong compression of the foot leads to their deformation, disruption of the natural circulation, there is an excessive load on the spine, causing pain in his back. Agree how to enjoy life, if there is no desire at all to move, let alone stand on constantly aching legs. Fix this problem is impossible, but is obliged to warn every woman.

Shoe selection is largely dependent on the preferences of each person. But the important thing: Shoes should be lightweight and comfortable, should not be close. Do not look. That eventually spread and become a shoe more comfortable. During this time the legs and feet can get irreparable damage.

A few tips:
1. You should not do any work in high-heel shoes. It is not practical, everything else is desirable to give the feet more rest.
2. In the evening, before bed, bad conduct Toning vessels of legs, feet alternately spraying it with warm, then cool water.
3. If you have to sit in one place (for example: in an airplane or at the table), it is preferable to several times an hour to get up a few minutes walk, stretching his legs. If you can not walk, to be 1-2 times an hour to do a gentle massage of the feet and legs to increase blood - and lymph.
4. These simple recommendations for daily use will not only enjoy your life, but also give the feeling of freedom and confidence in the future.

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