Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Choose Accessories To Clothing?

Women, unlike men can not afford to appear in most public places in the same clothes and in the same style. Women must always be different, for training in a beautiful jogging suit, at a party in an elegant dress to the floor or in a cocktail dress in the office in a business suit and so on.

In each case described the clothes should be chosen very carefully, but the image can not be complete without accessories. It is about accessories and we will talk in this article. After correctly chosen accessory can transform even the simplest outfit or refresh podnadoevshuyu blouse. But the true chosen accessory can reduce all efforts to nothing, but still will look ridiculous.

So what should pay attention, engaging selection of accessories?
Firstly, choosing accessories, look at the color of your clothing and accessory itself. Experiments - is, of course, is good, but still not worth putting on the green jacket with pink beads. This is not the best combination. If you are unsure of matching colors, then just use a few tips.

Black and white things are going well for everything. With these colors you can wear almost any accessories. To draw attention to the enhancement or item of clothing, make vivid detail in your image only. Also, try to keep the image was no more than three different colors.

As regards the form, the classical version, experts recommend combining rounded things with rounded and irregular geometric lines with triangular or square as accessories. However, if you go to a party, then allowed to deviate from these standards and triangular earrings to wear round neck dress.

Remember that costume jewelry should be appropriate and suitable to the general chosen style. If you want to wear a bright tee shirt, you can add to the image funny or bright watch bracelets, but if you wear a formal suit or evening dress, it is much more appropriate to be pearls, expensive watches and gold earrings.

If you believe that accessories should compel attention for their unusual appearance, you can, for example, wear a formal suit business woman with a bag of faux fur. This is a very untraditional combination and attention of others is provided to you. The main thing is to try to impress do not go abroad.

Also note that your image should not be overloaded, otherwise others will be hard to draw the attention to some details of your wardrobe. If you do not want to look vulgar, do not wear a ring on every finger, or a lot of bright large ornaments. You do not masquerade. While fashion is now a combination of vest or jacket with a plunging neckline, chosen for the party, lets put some similar chains around his neck, but otherwise follow the measure.

So use our advice on the selection of accessories, remember the sense of proportion and do not forget to listen to their desires.

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