Friday, December 10, 2010

Bath or Shower?

Some of us prefer to bask in the warm bath, while others consider it a waste of time and only take a shower. Both the first and second form of the daily care of your body have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Shower ideally stimulates circulation. However, it should not take it for longer than 5 minutes. Do not use too much hot water, because the skin loses too much moisture. Make good use of shower gels. Some of them contain extra moisturisers to prevent drying of skin. Gels are not much foam, is simply to cause them a small amount on the skin to thoroughly wash it.

In the shower, you can also do massage, using for this purpose gloves of the sea grass. Massage begins with the right hand or leg and to move towards the heart. After that, spray the body with cold water. This provides an excellent blood supply to the skin.

Taking a shower can also perform aromaterapicheskie procedure. Firstly, the body washed with soap or gel, rub into wet skin, some essential oil. After several minutes, wash off warm water. After this procedure, the skin does not require additional watering.

Contrast shower - hot and cold - a great way to quench the body. It is best to do it in the evening. One-minute standing under hot water, then the same time - under cold water. This operation is repeated several times. Then towel and bundle in a warm blanket.

In the bathroom, you can relax and have a good time. For bathing, you can use a variety of additives - foam, essential oils, herbs, salt, honey, fruit juice, even milk. As well as in the soul, do not use very hot water, ideal temperature for a bath around 35-38 degrees. No need to bathe more than 15 minutes.
After the bath, as well as after a shower is necessary to use body lotion, cream or ointment. If you bathe in the morning - well at the end to take a cold shower.

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