Saturday, December 11, 2010

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction - a method of getting rid of excess body fat. Many women mistakenly believe that liposuction will save not only on the extra pounds, but also from cellulitis. But it is not, Liposuction only helps to correct and reduce the necessary body parts.

The younger the patient, the brighter the result is faster healing since the age of 40 years, the skin remains supple and resilient and recovers quickly after surgery.

There are several types of liposuction:
 1. Liposuction is a classic, which is also divided into two types: vlazhnayai dry. The latter species does not enjoy popularity due to the huge number of complications, in addition, dry liposuction is quite traumatic. However, the principle of these two species alone, with the help of vacuum suction, the cannula - a thin needle, remove local fat deposits. Cannula is inserted under negative pressure through a small incision in the skin. Dry liposuction differs from the wet so that the treated area does not impose solutions, which contain an anesthetic and other medications that reduce bleeding and facilitate the removal of fat deposits. In one procedure removes 1-2 kg of fat, with removal of large amounts of fat can cause serious harm to human health. After surgery incision sewn up, put on the operated area is very tight elastic bandage or a bandage. The next day after surgery compression garment must be worn while wearing it will have one or two months. Both types of liposuction is done under general anesthesia, to escape from the hospital after surgery only three days later.

After a session of liposuction through an incision in the skin, some will follow infiltrating fluid. Sutures dissolve on their own within a week, but you can not wash a week, wipe the body will have a wet towel, avoiding the operated area. About solarium, pool and gym for a month will have to forget. Repeat Session liposuction in just six months. Duration of operation from a half to two hours, and after the expiration of anesthesia can feel pretty intense pain. It is also possible the emergence of bruising and swelling.
The disadvantages of this procedure include the appearance of hollows and mounds after pumping oil.

The first result can be seen through a half months.
2. Syringe liposuction.
This type of liposuction is used for pumping oil in small areas, such as kneeling in fatty hump on his back, as well as on the chin.

The operation is as follows: in the pockets of fat, the doctor inserts a needle into the skin begins to delay the piston, creating thereby a negative pressure.
Syringe liposuction is very accurate, precise and less traumatic operation than in the first case.
The duration of this operation, about thirty minutes, swelling and bruising a little, virtually no complications. The result of syringe liposuction can be seen in a month.

3. Ultrasonic liposuction operating.
This operation consists in the fact that fat deposits are broken up liquid by ultrasound, and then titanium cannulas are removed by vacuum suction.
The skin in this type of liposuction is minimally traumatic, and the skin under the influence of ultrasound is better reduced, which provides a flat surface after the operation. The procedure is done under local or general anesthesia.

Rehabilitation period is relatively short, the patient is in the hospital all day. Within two months after ultrasonic liposuction compression garment must be worn.
Duration of operation for about two hours, and a noticeable result can be seen at the end of the second week.
The disadvantage of ultrasound surgery is an accumulation of tissue fluid in the operated field.

4. Tumescent liposuction.
This type of operation does not require general anesthesia.
Operation is performed as follows: in the problem area using a syringe introduced a special part of the adrenaline ledokaina and saline, the number is twice as shall exceed the amount of processed oil. Then begins the destruction of fat and its aspiration.

With tumescent liposuction blood loss and trauma is less than, for example, classical liposuction. Patient after surgery overnight spends in the hospital, and post-operative period is very short. Within two weeks, will wear a special compression garment. The result of such a liposuction can be seen only four months later.

5. Non-invasive (non-surgical) ultrasound surgery is a leader. With the help of a special apparatus Ultra Shape Contour I performed this type of operation.
During the ultrasound procedure affects only the fat cells. The operation itself requires no anesthesia. The procedure is almost painless, can only feel the warmth and slight tingling, so patients often sleep during the procedure.

The operation consists in the fact that ultrasonic impulses to problem areas, destroying, in this case, the shell of fat cells and their molecules immediately enter the blood and are removed naturally within three weeks. During one session can save from five grams of fat. The skin is smooth, do not appear any swelling or bruising. The first week is recommended to limit consumption of fatty foods, it will allow the body to quickly bring the fat cells.

Ultra Shape Contour I with great precision computes the impact zone and the ultrasound does not hit twice in the same place. The operation can take up to three hours and is considered the safest for the patient.
Regardless of what type of liposuction you prefer, these operations have their contraindications: renal function and liver function, pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, mental illness, cancer, hypertension, tendency to form blood clots, low blood clotting.

Non-surgical liposuction also has a number of contraindications: abdominal hernia, hepatitis, renal failure, the discrepancy between recti, prosthetic knee and hip joints, diseases of the immune system.

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