Saturday, December 11, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Bruises Under Her Eyes?

This problem is mainly to women. Dark circles under the eyes may not just on what you do not get enough sleep, but simply from the fact that congenital vascular mesh is very close to the skin. But all this does not change the problem, how to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes?

With close proximity of vessels to the skin you can pomochlimfodrenazhny massage around the eyes, or laser surgery, which helps not only from bruises, but also on wrinkles around the eyes.

Also cause unwanted color under the eyes can be a lack of vitamins in your body. So before you start taking any medication, should consult a doctor. But after his visit to follow his advice and treatment, respectively.

First. In order to avoid any bags under your eyes need a good night's sleep, your eyes need rest, as well as throughout the body, so a good long sleep is important.

The second rule that helps you get rid of nasty bruises, of course, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, do not need to completely abandon the whole, however, is less smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Third. If you wake up and have bruises under her eyes, then use special camouflage corrector, which lighten the color of the skin around the eyes, and they will not seem very tired and sleepy.

Fourth. Very useful for the eyes to do gymnastics, and a light massage. This will avoid both unwanted bruising, and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Finally, the fifth. If possible, you should make a habit of washing with ice. It is necessary to hold an ice cube around the eyes and in the neck. This will help to awaken and nutrients from the ice fall into the skin. But do not overdo this execution be carried out within a few seconds.

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