Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Healing Gas Baths

You have already experienced the healing effects of gas baths? No? - In that case, I simply must try to convince you of the benefits of this procedure. Gas bath - this is a bath with mineral water, saturated with nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen or carbon dioxide.

On effects on the human body baths are natural, when small bubbles gently massage the skin and the chemical when the gas enters the blood through the lungs and pores.
Baths can be natural and artificially prepared. Their beneficial effects depends on the consistency of the dissolved gas.

The most popular among gas-tubs are hydrogen sulfide, or as they are called sulfide baths. Water saturated with gas, stimulates nerve endings, which leads to a change in tone of the walls of veins, a rush of blood to tissues and normalization of blood pressure. Thus, sulfide baths relieve joint pain, relieve muscle tension, stimulate the thyroid and endocrine system. If the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the bath does not exceed 150 mg / l, then water is suitable for prophylactic purposes, if the hydrogen sulfide content in the water above - the composition is ideal for therapeutic purposes.

Duration should not exceed 15 minutes at about 33-37 ° C. The course includes the procedures, usually with an interval of 10-15 bath per day. You can not carry out the procedure for people with liver diseases and kidney tumors, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, anemia, and mental illness.

Nitrogen bath imply that the water is dissolved nitrogen that reaches the surface bubbles. When a person is immersed in a bath, his first vessels are narrowed, and then expand. Nitrogen bath soothe all the body systems, reduce the manifestations of pain, normalize sleep, improve metabolism, has a positive impact on the state of the endocrine system. Nitrogen bath did not significantly affect the heart, so the sessions can be conducted every day for ten or twenty minutes at 37 ° C. They also go perfectly with the sea baths. Do not take nitrogen bath for people with low blood pressure and kidney disease.

Carbonic baths exciting act on the nervous system. They enhance the exchange of gases in body tissues and blood circulation. Gas easily penetrates the skin, expands the capillary vessels and contributes to hardening. Temperature to enhance the effect was reduced to 28-29 ° C. This allows us to improve the permeability of vessel walls and enhance human immunity. Full course includes 12-15 baths intervals per day for the duration of not more than 15 minutes. Indications are the same as for balneotherapy.

Ozone or oxygen baths create an artificial way. Beautician saturates mineral, water or sea water with oxygen by means of special instruments. Bath for the shortage of oxygen in the body, soothe and accelerate metabolism. Highly recommended oxygen baths in diseases of the lungs, the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, oxygen baths improve skin tone and elasticity, improve the complexion. The water temperature in this type of bath set close to body temperature. Ozone can take baths every day for 14 days for ten or fifteen minutes. The usual course - 12-15 procedures. As such there is no contraindication.

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