Monday, December 13, 2010

Herbal Wraps

Herbs have long enjoyed popularity among the healers, healers and herbalists. Even then it was known that herbs have a positive effect on the health and appearance of the person. In this article we will talk about herbal wraps, which saturate the body with minerals and positively affect the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Specialists are several types of herbal body wraps with hay and herbs: Wet, wrapping of fresh herbs and Sinne. At a session of wet wraps, the wizard uses a towel linen or cotton, but without dyes. It must be soaked in a mixture of herbs and oils, wheat germ tea tree, eucalyptus or lemon. Client wrapped in a hot towel, and cover plenochku termoodeyalom. As a result, improves circulation, metabolic processes are accelerated, and the pores better disclosed.

To wrap was better, fresh herbs are ground and brewed in aromatic oils. Popular plants such as sage, fennel, horsetail, mint, rosemary, marjoram and thyme. Whole-body customer or only some of its sections impose a mixture of herbs and covered with a thin plenochkoy and termoodeyalom to create a sauna effect. It strengthens the metabolism and allow ingredients to penetrate better.

Sinne wrap based on the effects of steam. For hay wraps used medicinal plants and alpine herbs such as sage, lavender, nettle, valerian, chamomile, and rosemary. Client seated in a wooden barrel or as it is called ofuro filled with dried herbs. Under the influence of heat and steam metabolic processes are activated, the body is cleansed of toxins and nutrients better penetrate.

In a mixture of wrapping can be added to the nectar of flowers, turmeric, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, extracts from juniper or pine, birch leaves, orange or lemon juice and nutmeg. Depending on the components of the mixture to wrap it can be either relaxing or energizing effect.
Contraindications for this procedure are fungal skin lesions, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, acute infectious and inflammatory diseases, varicose veins. Undesirable to conduct sessions during the critical days.

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