Monday, December 13, 2010

Comprehensive Care For Neck

Even if you do not have long or as it is called a swan neck, do not worry. Any neck can make a smooth and gentle. How? That's what I'll discuss in this article. As a daily program, you should clean the tonic neck, apply masochku or cream. In general, do what you do for a person.

Rinse the neck cool or lukewarm water with a gel cleanser. If you feel a contraction in the skin, replace the gel foam. It operates more delicately. Blot the neck with a towel and immediately apply a moisturizer. Once a week doing cleaning gommazhem no hard abrasive particles. Leather neck and neck there is no oily or combination, so try to trim funds for dry or sensitive skin.

In the evening, taking a shower, direct the jet of water on his neck. This will allow the muscles to relax and relieve tension. Suit warm or cool water. You can also make massage a piece of ice wrapped flannel cloth. Although this method is best practiced in the early days, I night pamper your neck warm compress of terry towels soaked in hot water.

Apply a cream for dry or sensitive skin in the direction from the collarbone to the chin. So do you prevent sagging or stretching of tissue. Wash off the mask must be in the same direction, trying to as little as possible to stretch the skin.

Learn how to do massage cream. Moisten the skin with cream and rhythmically pat on the chin with the back of his hand, slowly but gradually gaining momentum. Then also go over the side surfaces of the bottom up. Prepare your skin, begin a more thorough massage. Stroking the skin your knuckles, moving in the same direction. At the end of the session pat walk across the surface of the cervix. This massage will help you maintain the elasticity of the skin and a beautiful oval face. By the way, you can optionally use concussor. Vibration will help the cream better get inside. In the area of the thyroid gland, there may be only a light, soft touch, so diligent friction does not provoke hyperthyroidism.

Neck muscles are also in need of work, as the muscles of other body parts. However, we often forget about it. Please find enclosed exercises that will help you use it the neck muscles. Each should be repeated 10-15 times twice a day.
You can not repeat all the exercises, and to choose only some of them:
1. Make a head tilt to the left, then right shoulder, preventing the movements of the head handles.
2. Attach the head back, preventing the movement of hands. Then turn the head to the right and left, looking back over his shoulder.
3. Lower corners of the mouth, tensing the muscles under your chin.
4. Pull the neck and chin forward, his mouth open. Push the lower jaw forward, plant it over the top.
5. Take in the teeth of a straw for drinks, and, stretching out his chin, draw in the air 1, 3, 8, 0.
6. Pull the tube sponges and with power and voltage, say O, y, u, N, A.
7. Straighten your back, place hands on the shoulders and pushing on them, try as far as possible to pull the neck forward. Counting to ten, take a breath, relax and exhale.

At the first sign of wrinkles, goose skin, double chin, should refer to the beautician.
Course of treatments usually start with a facelift. He will adjust your metabolism and blood circulation in tissues, cause muscles to work better. Can recommend plucking, relaxing massage or drainage. Procedure can be carried out apparatus LPG lift 6M, putting the appropriate program. These sessions should spend at least twice a week. After ten procedures, you will notice a decrease in the number of wrinkles, no double chin, reduce puffiness and sagging skin.

Refresh your skin will help to glycolic peels. The course includes sessions 10.04 and lasts about 1-2 months. Glycolic peels can be supplemented Fotorejuvenation. Flash laser device penetrates deep into your skin and renew collagen and elastin. So you can get rid of even pigmentation. But initial results appear only after three to five months. Usually the procedure is carried out in autumn or winter, the sun would not run back in the body.

Excess body fat can be removed with special creams and masks with lipolytic effect. They split the fat and bring him through the pores. The composition of these funds include caffeine or green tea extract. A cocktail of drugs injected directly into the problem area. The course lasts for 10-12 sessions. After that, a face would be almost perfect.

To smooth skin and remove wrinkles, neck should be well moistened. It is better not to trust this task usual cream and use the procedure for revitalization. Injections deliver skin the best known today moisturizer - hyaluronic acid. One acid molecule can draw to itself a thousand molecules of water, so your neck is perfectly saturated with moisture. Before the procedure you are advised to undergo the procedure on the unit LPG, and then fix the result of revitalization. Thus the effect of the procedure will last about six months.

And in conclusion I would like to provide a list of bad habits, getting rid of that you renew the beauty of his neck:
1. Do not slouch, and do not go with fluffy head. This disrupts the blood circulation, muscles relax and lose tone.
2. Sleep on a special orthopedic pillow. Sleep in an unnatural position leads to edema.
3. Do not lose weight too quickly. This leads to wrinkles, including the neck.
4. Do not ignore the regular procedures for skin care. They will not take much time, but it will not appeal to too many cosmetologists.
5. Try to spend less time in the sun. Do everything to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. From him suffer the most delicate areas of the epidermis, including the neck.

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