Monday, December 13, 2010

The Biggest Mistake In Hair Care

Caring for your hair, we dream that they are thick, silky and healthy. For the care we buy expensive shampoos, conditioners, masks and many other means, especially if they advertised in fashion magazines. Following the recommendations for their application, we believe that they are useful.
For example, 10 myths of hair care:

1. Guarantee of health and beauty of hair - good nutrition.
Unfortunately, this is not true. The highest proportion of nutrients used to support the normal functioning of internal organs, so that before the hair they usually do not reach or reaches a fraction. And for the supply of hair to apply special mask to compensate for a lack of vitamins.

2. Frequent washing is harmful to hair.
No, sir! Hair should be washed as necessary, you can at least daily. For this shampoo should be marked "for daily care and does not contain aggressive cleaning agents.

3. Replace the mask for the hair can be conditioned.
This assertion is absolutely incorrect. The mask is able to solve more serious problems, and air conditioning - moisturizes, makes hair manageable, easy to fit.

4. Haircut promotes growth and density of hair.
Nonsense! For the number of hair follicles and the growth rate cut is no panacea. But from a lack of nutrients hair growth could slow.

5. Shampoos should be changed frequently.
The assertion that the hair get used to the same medium, is not true. If the shampoo, conditioner, mask, your choice, suitable for your hair, the effects of their use has been reduced. Reduces the quality of the hair perming, coloring, maybe then you should find other means.

6. Hair loss help burdock oil.
This is another misconception, because the causes of hair loss can be many - "hypothermia", coloration, hormonal changes in the organism, and how to save the hair for any of these reasons are unique.

7. Cross section of the tips can be cured.
Perhaps this is theoretically true, but need the help of experts and special cosmetics. Much more effectively simply cut off them and will not tolerate this.

8. Hair like frequent brushing.
Too controversial, since weakened and thin hair does not want to be touched often. Therefore, everything in moderation. Ideal - combing hair in the morning and evening.

9. Modern hair dryers - are harmless.
Perhaps, but drying hair to hold in the delicate cycle. If you dry your hair every day using the dryer, the hair becomes stiff and dry, brittle and dull. And if you're so used to using the dryer, then use with the mousse and gels, not fixing her hair.

10. Means for men is not suitable for women.
In principle, they differ only by the smell. And all the good vitamins, herbal extracts, amino acids and contain a male and a female line of hair care products. Main = this is properly chosen funds that suit your hair type.

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