Sunday, December 12, 2010

Get Rid Of The Burrs

Burrs in fact - it has raised skin at the base of nail plate. By themselves they are not dangerous, but sooner or later they will come off and cause pain. Moreover, the burr can even lead to such a dangerous disease, as blood poisoning.

Especially dangerous is it for young children whose parents have not paid attention to the burrs. In addition, both adults and young children can result in burr formed felon or inflammation of the finger. This is terrible because it can lead to complete loss of a finger.

But do not think that I just decided to scare you. In fact, I would like to offer you several ways to address the problem of burr. Typically, they occur in the home, which often do not use gloves for household work and those who chews his nails.

Therefore, firstly, you should use a child or liquid soap for hands, which does not dry and moisturized.
Every time after homework and an hour before going outside, lubricate your hands nourishing cream.
Illiterate manicure may also cause the appearance of burr. So try not to cut cuticles, but just push it. This Bole intrusive option manicure. But he, unfortunately, for those who have skin is dry and cracked.

Experts recommend to combine two manicure: in those areas where the skin is smooth and does not push back cuticles, dry, and where the skin is dry, it must be cut. Folk recipes are quite capable of helping you solve the problem of burrs.

When dry, cracks and orogovelosti skin should grease the hands with a mixture of liquid honey and warmed in a water bath, cocoa butter. Take the ingredients in equal proportions and apply before bedtime. If you are allergic to honey, use sunflower or olive oil. Proportions while maintaining the same.

Beer bath - a great way to cope with the burr. Heated beer moisten a cotton disc and attach the finger. Before a manicure do baths with a few drops of oil or lemon oil. Rasparte skin of the hands in the bath with ten drops of essential oil of lemon or bergamot. If you can not find the essential oil, you can use vegetable oil. Hold your hands in butter for fifteen minutes, then remove burrs tweezers.

Of course, any tips will not help you if you do not begin to closely monitor each other and with their hands. Always do a manicure and wear gloves for household chores.
In cosmetics specialty stores have a special oil for the cuticles and glue for burrs. So you will save yourself from illness and keep a beautiful and healthy skin.

1 comment:

  1. Experts recommend to combine two manicure: in those areas where the skin is smooth and does not push back cuticles, dry, and where the skin is dry, it must be cut. Folk recipes are quite capable of helping you solve the problem of burrs. Correct.
