Sunday, December 12, 2010

Skin Care: Myths And Misconceptions

How to properly care for the skin? It's no secret that it requires special care. Beauticians and dermatologists give so much advice, and sometimes it seems that they contradict each other. We will cover the basic myths and misconceptions associated with caring for the skin.

 Myth 1. With well-chosen cream can solve the problems of the skin. In fact, experts note that all the problems that you have to facial skin, creams are not solved. Skin condition - it is solely a product of the body. If the organism is in order, and the skin on your face looks fine. And vice versa.
Beauticians suggest that there are many women, the body which allows them not particularly care for the person. Them carefully enough to clear it and sometimes make masks. According to experts, it is better not to care for a person than to care for him properly.

Myth 2. Before you apply the cream, enough to wipe the face lotion. Alas, in our case this is not enough. Beauticians note that under the existing environmental contamination to wash her face more carefully. Otherwise, from the skin pores are extremely difficult to clean out the germs and dirt, which one day it accumulates. Lotion or milk here will not manage. And therefore it is better to pick up detergents, neutral in alkaline and acid exposure.

Myth 3. Creams have to keep on his face until absorbed, and masks - have not yet withered. This is a very common misconception among women. In fact, doing so is not recommended. Skin and facial muscles are arranged so that more than 10 minutes. (Of course, if no curative instructions) can not hold any creams or masks (if the cream is absorbed within 10 minutes., It must carefully remove the tissue).
Beauticians note that for 10-15 minutes. "Blockage" has caused a violation of respiratory function of the skin. In the case where this happens regularly, there is swelling, enlarged pores and loose skin.

Myth 4. Jump after a bath in the hole. In Russia long after the pair decided to plunge into the hole (if it is next to the bath). It is believed that this procedure is useful for the skin. But beauticians believe that it can be useful for the body, but not for your face. They advise, came out of steam, first rinse face with warm water and is then dipped in a hole.

Myth 5. "Hammer" in the face creams. Fairly widespread view that by putting the cream is necessary to "drive" him in the face. Experts note that a person should be treated very cautiously and less touch his hands. And because the cream on the face should be applied very carefully, almost touching the skin, a thin layer.

Myth 6. Masks can be done in a day. This is true, but only in relation to natural masks (from fruits, berries, vegetables, etc.). But here's chemical masks experts do not advise to do more than 1 second per week.

Myth 7. All need to use moisturizers kremami.Uvlazhnyayuschie need funds to those who have skin flakes or contracted, as well as women of mature age to make up for lost natural moisture of skin cells. Normal skin does not need to overload more than moisture.

Myth 8. Need a special eye cream. Now produced a variety of creams: and under the eyes and the eyes, and for the lower eyelid, and for the top. However, cosmetologists say that from a physiological point of view it is not always justified. So for the areas around the eyes is quite possible to use the cream that you apply to the whole face.

Myth 9. Leave the cream on the night. Is a common misconception that the night creams make use of throughout the night. In reality, leaving them at night in any case impossible, and can only be used for 2-3 hours before bedtime. Cosmetologists say that cause nutritional and moisturizing compositions right before bedtime, even harmful. The fact that micro persons directly connected with the organism through biologically active points, but because when we are caring for a person, we will strengthen the internal organs.

Later, the use of cosmetics can cause puffiness, bags under the eyes, swelling of the upper and lower eyelid, worsening of wrinkles and enlarged pores.

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