Sunday, December 12, 2010

How To Wash And Do Not Worry About It?

Use soap and do not experience feelings of discomfort and dryness? It's real. Soaps are different - in particular, just beautiful! For a long time there was a picture of the soap, as an aggressive tool for the skin. The emergence of soaps containing cream, changed the picture. Today, in addition, vendors offer us vaseline and glycerine soap that protects the skin from moisture loss. A honey soap also has a nutritional effect.
Soaps, having in its composition herbs produce light healing effect. Fir extract has healing effect, chamomile improves immunity of skin, moisturizes, eucalyptus and St. John's Wort reduce inflammation.

Tap water - Wash easily!
Today, the tap water contains less chlorine than 10 years ago. But to use it for washing is now much easier.
Modern facilities for washing, designed to meet the needs of skin in contact with tap water. Special additives compensate for negative effects of chlorine contained in tap water and soften it. Some tools for washing have additional components that make skin care is even more simple and effective.

With oily skin do not rush to wash the soul
Oddly enough, more frequent cleansing procedures leads to activation of the sebaceous glands. Simply put, having oily skin, is seldom wash. It is better to do no more than twice a day using special tools for oily skin.

Foam cleanses skin, but does not age
However, taken at face value all the statements of manufacturers of skin care is also not worth it. If you believe the inscriptions on the packages may get the impression that only one cleanser sufficient to maintain eternal youth. It is not. Whatever vitamins, herbal extracts and antioxidants were not enriched cleanser - they can not have a significant rejuvenating effect. To do this simply is not enough concentration of mineral additives in the cleaning agents.

Means for skin tested brands - it is really a valuable gift!
Be careful when choosing a cleanser. Rarer, but still some foams and gels, which have in their composition laurylsulphates ammonium and sodium. They are aggressively not only act on the dirt, but on skin cells.
Leading manufacturers of cosmetic products based their design on the results of serious research and seek to reduce the harmfulness of the components for washing and enhance beneficial effects from their use. Do not skimp on health and beauty.

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