Thursday, December 2, 2010

How To Protect The Skin Of The Hands Of The Household?

Every day we have to deal with various detergents intended as cleaning dishes and laundry, as well as all sorts of household cleansing surfaces. However, quite often we forget about the harm caused by our household chemicals, and are thus exposed to the skin of our hands severely tested.

American academics - Dermatology razrabotanyrekomendatsii to protect the skin from the adverse effects of household chemicals. Follow these basic guidelines and then you make sure that your hands all the time to be gentle and soft.

That threatens the lovers of beauty? Red spots, pimples on the skin of the hands, the crack - is allergic contact dermatitis. Such symptoms are known to most housewives, maids and cleaners. In general, this occurs because of - an allergic reaction to detergents, as well as nail polish, soap, hand cream.
Sometimes occur at the hands of blisters filled with clear liquid. Visually it looks like eczema, but it turns out that the reason a simple detergent.

Burrs are often inflamed and swollen from housewives, who frequently wash dishes and wash clothes without the use of protective equipment. Splitting of nail plate - the result of constant interaction skin with powder or soap in the water. Later, at their fingertips cracks appear, at first the skin peels off, and after cracking.

What are some ways you can ensure the protection of the delicate skin of hands?
1. Wash your hands with a moisturizing soap and dry them thoroughly after each washing dishes or laundry.
2. Every time during the wash cycle, washing dishes, as well as cleaning vegetables, use thick rubber gloves.
3. When you see the slightest skin irritation at least try to use low-quality soap and washing powder.
4. If, however, after contact with the detergent you have inflamed cuticles, rub it with a solution of iodine, which disinfect and soften the skin inflammation.
5. In order to eliminate or prevent the crack tips of the fingers, several times a day rub into them a little nourishing cream for the hands or ordinary hygienic lipstick.

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