Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tummy tuck - Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty is an operation to remove excess skin and fatty tissue in the abdomen in order to restore normal aesthetic proportions of the body. According to the American assotsatsii plastitcheskih surgeons in the United States alone in 2009 was carried out 330,000 operations tummy tuck.

How is surgery tummy tuck?
Abdominoplasty, or in other words, tummy tuck - is usually performed under general anesthesia (ie during an operation - deep sleep). Also, surgery can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation to demonstrate how. Operation time is from 2 to 5 hours. During the operation proizoditsya horizontal incision below the bikini line with movement or without movement of the umbilicus. The length of the incision depends on the amount of skin removed. Then there is a removal and correction of fat tissue after which the skin is separated from the abdominal wall and lifted exposing the rectus abdominis muscle. Then you are connecting and strengthening the lines of the abdominal muscles - reducing the waist, then removes excess skin deformation. After removal ichor, the remaining blood is set using subcutaneous drain, tighten the skin and put the seams.

Tummy Tuck: postoperative
A tummy tuck is fairly major surgery, so the restoration will require a lot of time compared to other more simple plastic surgery. Most people need between 1 to 3 weeks before they can return to the traditional mode of the day and begin to work effectively. Some patients are discharged home immediately after surgery, but most people spend in hospital from 1 to 3 days, depending on the volume and complexity of the procedure. The first few days your stomach will ache and swell slightly. Your doctor, if necessary, may prescribe painkillers.

Tummy Tuck: rehabilitation
The term full recovery after tummy tuck is also strongly dependent Custom posleoperatsioonnogo compliance regime, the general condition of the body and is two to three months. Postoperative scars will be most pronounced in the next 3 and 6 months. Can potrebovatsya about 9 months before they are smoothed, and align posvetleyut. Scars will never disappear completely, but they become quite noticeable, and they will be placed so that they can be easily hidden under clothing

The urgency of the operation
Who should do tummy tuck? A tummy tuck can be done and the men and women who have good general health. Not to be confused with a liposuction surgery (cosmetic procedure that is used to remove fat deposits).

Women who have muscles and skin is stretched because of numerous pregnancies, this procedure can help by strengthening the muscles and the removal of loose skin. A tummy tuck is a suitable option for people who were once obese, and who still have the fat or excess skin in the abdomen.

Who should not have tummy tuck? If you are a woman who is still planning to have children, maybe you should postpone the surgery for tummy tuck until the release of childbearing age. Here's why: During the procedure, the vertical muscles are strengthened, and future pregnancies can separate them.
It should be noted that the tummy tuck can cause prominent, permanent scars. If you do not want, you can change your mind. Your doctor will discuss with you all the details on the preliminary consultation.

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