Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ingrown Nail: How To Avoid Problems?

Ingrown nail (onihokriptoz), strange as it may sound - is one of the most serious and frequent problems in the legs. It lies in the fact that the nail plate is growing and at the same time penetrates the soft tissue of a finger, crashing into him.

Ingrown nail causes intense pain and interfere with a person walking. Danger of ingrown nail is that the skin lesions may form on the finger nail wound, but it can easily get infected, then there disease, which is called surface felon. It is, in turn, accompanied by severe swelling of fingers, pain and acute inflammation.
Cause ingrown nail may be narrow shoes, improper nail grinding in the corners, too long the free end of the nail and shirokoobhvatnoe cutoff angle nail plate. Most often, ingrown nail occurs on the toes.

Narrow shoes, which prefer to carry not only the modern men, but women do not give your fingers free to lie. They are in a compressed state, and the nail plate in its growth is not moving on top of nail tissue, and vrostaet them.

Nails are not strongly opilivat on the corners and can not be cut shirokoobhvatno. The shape of nails on the feet should not be oval or acute. Nails should have a square shape with smooth end consolidated and slightly - slightly rounded corners. The length of the nails on his feet too limited. The free end of the nail should be no more than 1 mm. The longer you can wear the nails on his feet in the summer, when a woman has open shoes.
At the early stage of formation of ingrown nails can help yourself at home. Need to change the direction of the nail plate, lift the corner of the nail vrostayuschy to it moved over the soft tissue, and not hit them. Need to get ready to steam bath and foot. Very careful not to damage the skin to lift vrostayuschy corner and under it put a tiny cotton tamponchik prepared in advance. He lift the nail. Instead, a simple bath can use a special solution from broth sage and yarrow, add back a little bit of sea salt and a few drops of essential oil of tea tree or lavender. This composition is a disinfectant and wound healing. Procedure should be done as long as the nail grows, and the angle of its free end is above tissues. Cotton tamponchik must be changed periodically.

If the ingrown nail brings big problems, inconveniences and overcome this problem, the man himself can not, you should consult a doctor-podology, or to master a pedicure, which owns modern techniques for the correction of ingrown nails. They use a special bracket. It happens that the deformed nails do not cause considerable inconvenience. In this case it is necessary to implement the recommendations for the prevention of problems to avoid in the future.

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