Sunday, January 23, 2011

Benefits Of Water

As we know water - a source of health for our entire organism. Thanks to its properties, we can get a lot of energy or relaxation, but if you want to temper your body and make it younger. Water can be a great doctor, if you use douches.
Need to periodically change the water, switching from warm to colder. For beginners zakalivaniyaneobhodimo know that the temperature drop of water in the initial stages should be almost negligible, but nonetheless palpable. Through such daily dousing you can make your body more resilient to disease. At the completion of a contrast shower is better that the water temperature was close to body temperature.
For people with an initial manifestation of varicose veins can not do without a bath for the feet. It is desirable here to use the technique of contrast shower, but if you can not fit any and prinyatievanny foot with the addition of a pinch of salt for 15 minutes.
When the first symptoms of a cold or feel unwell better take a warm bath with the addition of salt, herbs and bran.
Bath with bran good remedy for dry skin, besides it relieves irritation and itching. If while taking a bath you add the herbs (chamomile, nettle, rosemary), it will help to eliminate not only the fatigue and exhaustion, but also create the desired effect - a tone. Salt bath is good because not only is it good tone, but also improves the whole circulatory system.

If you have problems related to insomnia, rheumatism, you fit a bath with the addition of the pine needles. To prepare a bath at first recommended to prepare an extract from the needles. To this end, a needle with cold water and set on fire for 30 minutes, then the same amount of time necessary to extract brew. Ready broth should drain and add to the bathroom.
A good tonic effect and has a bath with the addition of an ordinary black tea, is he to give your skin an unforgettable shade of tan.

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