Sunday, January 23, 2011

Problems With The Skin: Causes And Solutions

In addition to face shone with beauty and health, and the mirror, as if to a certain fairy-tale, was broadcasting his mistress "in the light of all the miles, most women have to put with serious effort. Skin - the body is very sensitive, he was acutely and instantly responds to internal and external influences.
That is a particular problem and how to be returned in each case the skin flowering species, we are now and we'll talk.
1. Xerosis
During cold weather, or vice versa - a strong fats, as well as a constant presence in adverse temperature and humidity conditions, facial skin becomes very dry and starts to intensively shelled. That's why you need to be sure humidify the air in rooms where you live, work or relax. And, of course, need to regularly moisturize and nourish the skin itself of its nutrients.
Range of cosmetic products intended for food and moisturizing face, now very wide - from the usual creams and emulsions to the aqueous and oil solutions. Necessary for you to pick up equipment may beautician or dermatologist, but there are universal, that is suitable for all skin types traditional medicines.
For example, it is possible to adopt such a recipe. Dipped in a cup of egg yolk, a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of vegetable oil, all mixed thoroughly and apply on face as a mask. Here is another folk remedy, which is perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin: Mix honey and cream in equal parts, apply on face, wait until the mixture dries, and rinse it with cool water.

2. Oily skin
Greasy skin type is determined primarily by genetics, but often the selection of fat stimulated the wrong way to clean the face. Tonics and lotions, when I use them several times a day, increase the secretion of glands, which leads to unsightly greasy shine. Cleanse the face to be very accurate and better way that does not contain alcohol. Well, for example, clears the skin of the face normal decoction of mint, if it add a few drops of lemon juice. And once a week instead of nourishing cream is applied to the face rubbed in the grate carrots. This elementary and cheap mask reduces the oiliness of the skin better than any other purchase of cosmetics.
3. Acne
If we talk about acne, it is quite a serious skin disease, which without the help of dermatologist defeat is extremely difficult. However, most often we deal with the pimples on the skin, which are a symptom of intestinal dysbiosis. This disease in one form or another have suffered almost all of us.
From rashes to appear on the face as a result of failure of the gut microflora, cosmetics, even very expensive, can not cope. Need to restore the normal microflora and intestinal activity. This can help in preparations, which include the colonies of beneficial bacteria. First of all, it's different sour-milk products.
4. Unhealthy looking skin
Constant lack of sleep, excessive physical and psychological stress - that is primarily stale our skin. Unhealthy skin color indicates that we need a good rest, sleep off and change something in my life. The human body is constantly living in a state of stress, nutrients come mainly in those organs, which provide survival during an imminent threat. Skin to such bodies does not apply and the result left out. Besides, when we are nervous, in our blood ejected adrenaline, blood vessels while dramatically shrinking, that in turn leads to the fact that the skin receives less oxygen. As a result - zemlyanisty, dull complexion.
One solution to this problem - you need to tidy up the nervous system. Necessary to restore normal sleep and waking, do recreational exercise, get a dog, a little more visit the open air, often - in nature, listen to good music, take baths with sea salt, and most importantly to stop communicating with energy vampires. In the meantime, you can help the nervous system of natural sedatives - time-tested and a decoction of mint, Leonurus tincture or extract of valerian.

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