Monday, January 31, 2011

Gymnastics For Individuals: Strengthen Muscles, Reduce Wrinkles

This gym is only 10 minutes a day, and the result can be seen in a week. Exercises can be done anytime, anywhere - watching TV, for the preparation of food, but better in solitude, or your family members die of laughter watching your grimaces.

Gymnastics for the person: it strengthens the muscles of cheeks, pulls a face, reduce nasolabial folds:
1. Inflate his cheeks and stand in that position for a few seconds to feel like a muscle strain. Relax.
2. Fill your mouth with air and "roll over" like a ball, inside the mouth. Massaging air cheeks and lips.
3. Move only slowly, the lower jaw to the side, pausing a few seconds at the extreme points.
4. Widely open and close his mouth.
5. Involve the cheeks, then inflated, fingers pressed to her cheeks, but to no air coming out.

Gymnastics for individuals: reduce wrinkles around the mouth:
1. Pull the lips forward as though utter the sound "O", wait a few seconds.
2. Close my teeth and lips to draw inward. Stretch, how to get corners of her mouth. Hold them in such a position a few seconds.

Strengthen eyelids, smooths out wrinkles around the eyes.
1. First prischurtes for a few seconds, and then widely raspahnite eyes.
2. Open your eyes as wide as you can, and hold for a few seconds.
3. Rotating the eyes in a circle.
4. Roll one's eyes on an imaginary clock face by holding views on the "Numbers" for a few seconds.
5. Widely open our eyes and raises his eyebrows, hold for a few seconds. Return the eyes and eyebrows normal position. This exercise contributes to the growth of eyebrows.

Gymnastics for individuals: "remove" double chin:
1. Visualize that your chin is suspended load. Raising the chin, neck strain your muscles.
2. Strain the neck muscles, then relax. In each situation - delayed for a few seconds.
3. Throw back your head back and his lower lip to pull ahead. Withstand a few seconds, lowered his head and relax.

To brow furrowed no wrinkles.
1. Straining muscles forehead, the frown, the high raise eyebrows.
2. Interlace your fingers and put on the forehead above the eyebrows, the eyebrows at the same time raise up and hold for several seconds.

Gymnastics for individuals: universal exercise:
1. "Lion Pose" - mouth wide open, tongue hanging out and pull him to his chin, as if showing his throat doctor. Maintain this position for a few seconds.
2. Press your fingers to separate the facial muscles - temple, brow, cheeks, chin, etc.
Such exercises is recommended to perform 3-4 times a day. Then the facial muscles become elastic, circulation improves. But even if you have enough time to 1-2 times a day, it still quickly result will be "obvious."

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