Monday, January 31, 2011

Which is Better - A tampon or Pad?

Practical Application of tampons back thousands of years. Egyptian women used tightly rolled soft papyrus, a resident of Byzantium - tampons, made from soft wool. Extensive use of internal absorbing funds began in the mid 30-ies, when the swab was first patented in the United States.

Current tampons invented in 1950 by Judith Esser, a German woman and gynecologist. It took into account all the peculiarities of the female body and proposed a new tampon, which uniformly absorbs the blood, not passing it out. They are made from cotton, viscose or cotton / viscose, roll and pressed in a special way after the cleaning and whitening. The size of a tampon is different - from 1 to 1.9 cm in diameter. Each woman chooses them based on the structure of the organism.

Thread in the swab, which seems unreliable for some women, in fact, so firmly anchored to withstand a load of several kilograms.
If you use tampons duration of critical days can be reduced by about night, as the tampon absorbs selection in the immediate vicinity of the cervix. Some believe that tamponnarushaet microflora of the mucous membrane. But it is not. Tests have shown that tampons, on the contrary, help to normalize the level of acidity, which helps protect against bacteria.

Concern that the tampon prevents release of the blood and can help reverse the ingress of the uterus, is not justified, because the swab is not acting as a "cork", but as a "sponge." After a complete soaking a tampon allocation pass through it.

Oddly enough, the opinions on how long the tampon can be found in the body are different. U.S. medical organizations recommend the use of a tampon up to a maximum of eight hours, the Germans let you change the pads twice a day, and the Hungarian Chamber of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advises conduct the same procedure every six hours. But, guided by considerations of hygiene and comfort, women usually change tampons every 3-6 hours, and at night - after 8 hours.

The only advice: to avoid painful feelings, the swab should be removed only when it is fully saturated.
Most of the girls from the first menstrual period can use tampons - a mini. It can not damage the hymen, because under the influence of hormones during puberty, it becomes quite elastic. But, of course, the structural features of the body of each girl are different, so before you buy tampons for his daughter, consult your gynecologist.

And finally, what is better - a tampon or pad - each woman decides individually. In the survey, 70 out of 100 surveyed American women said they only use tampons or pads in conjunction with gaskets.

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