Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Improve Facilities To Care For Themselves?

Who has not had to give up on the next vehicle, which was acquired by mass advertising or recommendations girlfriends? Not getting the expected results, we become upset, and yet so wanted to "reduce wrinkles", "smooth out cellulite, moisturize your skin and so on. Often, however, the absence of positive dynamics due to the misapplication of any funds.

There is some of the most common mistakes made by women in caring for themselves.
Application of funds for the unprepared skin. Any cream, gel or serum for the face, even containing a lot of active and beneficial ingredients, will not have the proper effect if applied to a poorly cleaned skin, with remnants of makeup is clogged pores. Therefore, you must carefully choose the means for cleansing and complement the impact of special tonics or lotions that are designed to remove even the invisible pollution and open pores. You also need to remember the beauty masks - if you applied to the face and neck, nutrient composition, which does not require rinsing, then apply immediately after the usual cream does not need, you only complicate the work of skin and just do not get the desired effect. As for the creams for the body, and especially anti-cellulite creams, the best preparation is a light massage or douches with rubbing the skin of loofah sponge - it will provide the blood supply to the integument and, therefore, useful components will be easier to have an impact.

Incorrect method of application. Here the main problem is the perpetual lack of time. Therefore cream carelessly smeared across the face, the gel is applied in a hurry at the most affordable areas of the body, and get the result you want immediately. Sign a rule - for applying the cream on the neck and face (and in this order) is required not less than seven minutes, the same procedure with your favorite hip need at least ten. Skin of the face and neck is very tender, so avoid sudden movements, use only mild strokes (the main massage lines) and tapping with your fingertips. Particular attention should be paid to centuries, this movement must be particularly sensitive, and the cream should be applied, bearing in mind the golden rule - from the nose to the temples on the upper eyelid, and vice versa - at the bottom. On the skin the thighs, abdomen and buttocks apply creams and lotions in a circular flowing movements and active pat until completely absorbed. Given that the consistency of cellulite is often quite thick, we resort to a little trick - periodically moisten hands with warm water and try to be as "vhlopyvat" cream into the skin vigorous spanking, it does not forget about the inner thighs.

To the wrong application method also applies to the excess amount deposited funds - is often the case, if yesterday to do a facial massage and foot were lazy, and now you have decided to come to grips with them. Remember that the double dose of cream of double effect would not be better to take a little longer methodical stroking and patting.

Failure to comply with the recommendations. Bright boxes and tubes are designed to not only please the eye, but contain a wealth of useful information - about how storage and application resources on active ingredients and possible contraindications, and so on. So do not be lazy to examine all available information and try to strictly follow the instructions. For example, not very useful is a common habit to keep the cream on the nightstand, where they are subject to direct sunlight or on a shelf in the bathroom all the time, too warm and humid - for some of it is absolutely contraindicated, the effectiveness of active ingredients is reduced significantly. Keep in mind, and the timing of storage: overdue remedy for the body in the best case will not bring results, but the delicate eyelid skin extracted from the bottom of long-forgotten tube cream can bring and to inflammation.

Another mistake is the application of creams just before going out or just before bedtime - at a time, as manufacturers are asked to do so at least 15-20 minutes before. As a result, nocturnal serum happily smeared on the pillow, body lotion absorbs blue jeans, and designed to protect against frost or wind cream did not have time to soak in and freezes on his face a mask of unaesthetic. To prevent this from happening, a little change the sequence of actions when collecting a job, for example, first apply the cream, and then to breakfast and get dressed.

Infrequency of use is the most important mistake that could negate all the efforts and make you regret the money spent. Bad mood, fatigue, employment, total laziness - than just do not justify the reluctance to once again rub creams and gels. And you leave it for tomorrow, which, as we know, never comes. Then he remembers bored on a shelf jars and tubes, in a fit of self-love doing all the useful manipulation and again forget about it for a few days. That way you get exactly just another disappointment, and not the desired effect. So do the daily grooming ritual, used to automatism as brushing teeth or walking the dog, then eventually you will simply not enough of these procedures, they will be among the good habits.

Of course, the means to care for face and body can not create the impossible - for example, to return healthy complexion hard-core smoker, or get rid of cellulite lover of junk food, since the foundation of excellent appearance is always a healthy lifestyle. However, the arsenal of modern tools can serve as an excellent tool for self-care and therefore, if you spent money on some kind of tool, learn how to use it to maximum benefit.

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