Thursday, January 27, 2011

Infusion For Washing With Herbs

Are you still wash water from the tap? And then, bitterly telling friends that your skin becomes dry, constricted, thick, spongy, peeling and all kinds of bother you? But this is not surprising. Tap water should be excluded from the components of skin care. It is better to replace it with a mineral or herb.
With regard to mineral or purified tap water, it is suitable for all skin types.

And water to wash with healing herbs should be chosen taking into account the characteristics of your skin.
Sensitive skin is pampered with infusion of rose petals. To make it take two tablespoons of crushed rose petals and pour them a glass of boiling water, cover with a towel and wait until the mixture configure themselves for thirty minutes. Then cool and strain. This water refreshes and tones the delicate skin, leaving it smooth, soft and silky.

Dry and normal skin suit infusion of chamomile inflorescence. Two hundred grams of dried chamomile inflorescences pharmacy fill a liter of boiling water, cover, let stand and cool. Washing smooth out fine wrinkles, tones the skin and makes it soft and velvety.

Infusion of mint is also good for dry skin. A couple of tablespoons of mint leaves Pour two cups of hot water and boil for five to ten minutes. Cool and strain.
Normal skin can wash the juice of fresh leaves of plantain, diluted in water at a ratio of one to one. If the skin is dry, then dilute the juice in a ratio of one to three.

Oily skin, rinse with infusion of a mixture of mint leaves and plantain.
Lap and wash your oily skin Calendula. Two tablespoons minced inflorescences pour into an enamel bowl, zatleyte glass of water, cover and heat on a water bath for fifteen minutes. Then the mixture cool, strain and add boiling water to obtain 200 ml of fluid. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for two days. It narrows the pores, prevent the emergence of wrinkles and acne formation.

Relieve you of youthful acne nettle. Five tablespoons of crushed leaves of nettles straight from the tin and three tablespoons of dried leaves fill a liter of cold water, bring to a boil and steep for half an hour. Rinse the face several times during the day.
Mature skin Enjoy a tea infusion. Two teaspoons of tea pour half cup of boiling water and leave for forty minutes. Strain. For oily skin add a few drops of lemon juice to extract tightens pores.
Helpful in the morning to wash infusion of parsley or dill. Two tablespoons of finely chopped greens fill a liter of boiled water and wait ten minutes, then strain.

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