Thursday, January 27, 2011

Steam Bath For A Person

Any representative of a beautiful female is called a beautiful precisely because it loves and knows how to take care of correctly, the result is a beautiful, attractive appearance. In the care of female beauty can not be trifles. Need to pay much attention to hair and body, and, of course, to a person.

Yet one of the main criteria of beauty is a clean, well-groomed, smooth facial skin. And if any makeup and any selected image will look breath-taking, involving male gaze spellbound.

Well, if you have the opportunity to regularly visit the beautician and use his advice. Yet the best care for female beauty are home secrets and recipes that do not require you to any investment and effort.
One of those secrets for healing and rejuvenation of facial skin at home is a steam bath. It can be self-procedure, or held as a preparatory step before cleaning the face, applying a mask or carrying out the massage. Steam baths are useful for all skin types. They are well cleaned face of dirt, accumulated fat, open clogged pores. Improves circulation and nutrition of tissues. Facial skin moisturizes, softens, becomes more elastic.

If you have normal, combination or dry facial skin, a steam bath should be done once a week. The owner of oily skin is recommended to use warm treatment 2-3 times a week.

Before the steam bath cook anything you might need: boil water, take any deep dishes (pan, bowl, etc.), towel, put a bandage on her hair (so it will be convenient to you - your hair will not get into the eye) and Put next to a clock, so you can keep track of time. Pour hot water in a convenient bowl, tilt your head and cover the top with a towel. Keep a comfortable distance: couples should not burn your face. And, of course, do not forget to measure the time: for combination and oily skin duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes, dry and sensitive - no more than 5 minutes.

Enhance the effect of a steam bath for a person to help the use of various herbs and essential oils. In a steam bath can be added to a mixture of herbs, or one (1 tbsp to 1 liter of hot water). Use chamomile, wormwood, rosemary, Horsetail, etc. They will have anti-inflammatory, cleansing action, improve blood circulation skin, freshen it.

You will feel beautiful Cleopatra, if you add in a steam bath 3-5 drops of one of the essential oils: rose, sandalwood, chamomile, neroli, tea tree, pine, mint and lemon. Aromatherapy can help cleanse the pores, to cope with acne, improve complexion and rejuvenate the skin. And besides, the background will go everyday problems and stresses of the day. The aroma of essential oils, inhaled by you and your skin, give a good mood and positive outlook for tomorrow.

That is such a small and very simple home cosmetic procedure performed regularly, will give you a clean, well-groomed, radiant health and beauty skin. Look after yourself, love yourself. And collected in his collection of men's admiring glances and compliments!

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