Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chin - On Top!

We care about the figure, the appearance of the skin, carefully watching the fashion world and skillfully use the makeup. But here's the problem - a double chin, flabby cheeks and neck sagging treacherous issue age! However, the chin may appear not only after forty years. Many acquire such a "decoration" is already in his youth!
How to get rid of double chin?
The reasons for the appearance of double chin can be very different - are overweight, the habit of retracting your chin, age-related skin changes and even stoop. And by the way, sometimes in the appearance of double chin you can not even blame! After all, women tend the special structure of the jaw, which, to a greater or lesser extent, contributes to the appearance of this unfortunate "companion". Probability of occurrence of double chin is highly dependent on the angle between the line of the jaw line and neck - than it is smaller, the greater the likelihood of sagging chin.
But do not despair. It's in our hands, patience and hard work will help everyone. And as a simple set of measures. It should perform daily, morning or evening.
1. Doing massage chin slightly wetted towel. Bring a towel under his chin and strong pull of his two hands so that the middle to flip you on the chin. Ten times is quite enough!

2. Application of nourishing cream align with massage. Simulate facial contour - easy cross tweaks massage his cheeks and chin, moving upwards from the neck to the ears of one - two minutes. After that, massage the neck - keep a finger on the base of the neck up to his chin, easily tapping on the skin.
3. And now - exercises for the face. It gives excellent results! Repeat each exercise 6-10 times. And best of all - all alone. Not every man calmly transfer is a funny sight!
- Imagine that your chin is suspended a heavy load, which must be raised. Slowly lift the chin, throwing back her head back together and tensing all the muscles of the neck.
- With the effort, pull down the lower lip, so that could see the lower teeth. At the same time will strain your neck muscles.
- Put fists under his chin. Then, overcoming the resistance arms, open your mouth. Or Stick your tongue out as far as possible with the tip of your tongue should be facing downwards.
- Tilt your head to the left jaw with the slide to the left shoulder. The same thing happened the other way.
- Zaprokinte head back, and the push the lower jaw forward and upward, lower lip trying to get the tip of the nose.
- Squeeze his hand to his chest just below the clavicle and pull it downwards. Close your lips tightly, rounding them up into a tube (if they hold a pencil). At the time of the compression lip platysma muscle and decrease sharply, rising to the lower jaw will have to overcome the resistance of the palm, which pulls it downward. Fix a position for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Again your lips. This exercise strengthens the platysma, it will maintain the tone of the skin chest, neck and lower face and protect them from fading.
- Round the lips and eyes raspahnite as widely as possible. Look slightly upward. Now try not moving the lips, as far as possible his tongue hanging out. If the exercise is performed correctly, you will feel the tension in the region of the nose and cheeks. All attention is on the tongue and lips. Do not open your mouth wide, not loosen tension on the lips. All the muscles from the eye to the chin should be strained. Hold your breath and count to ten.
In addition to daily activities, once every three days to make simple water compresses. To do this, cook 2 bowls - with hot and cold water in each napkin, folded in half. Fold the napkin in four, soak in cold water and gently squeeze. Then, right hand on the corner and applaud rather strongly on the chin and lower cheeks. Clapping as 10-15 times, to shift the tissue in his left hand and patted him on the jaw, right cheek and chin. Make compresses for 10 minutes and three months after the skin visibly tighten.
And finally - a few general tips:
- When reading, do not place a book on the table or, worse yet, on his knees. Put the book on the height of the eyes at a distance of 30 cm
- Get rid of the habit of sleeping on the high pillow. Buy a small soft pillow, but better - a little thick cushion under the neck.
- When walking, keep your head up high, try to look straight ahead. Do not slouch. Be the queen!

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