Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Brush Your Teeth?

Is it really good imported toothpastes? It turns out, according to local dentists, it does not matter what toothpaste you brush your teeth - expensive or cheap imports our. It is important, as you delaete.Okazyvaetsya, teeth should be cleaned at least three minutes to a molecule of calcium or fluorine penetrated through the enamel to the dentin and strengthened it.
Only three minutes may indeed qualitatively removed from the tooth plaque, food debris, thereby eliminating the source of unpleasant odors.
If you do not want you to have formed tartar, then brush your teeth you only vertical movements (bottom - bottom up, top - down): You like to sweep from the teeth and the spaces between them leftover food.
Proper use of a toothbrush. A toothbrush should be changed every six months. And if after cleaning your teeth are yellow, then buy a more assertive: Do not soft and medium, namely rigid. If during the cleaning of your gums bleed, do not stop brushing your teeth thoroughly, or inflammation of the gums will only intensify. And be sure to contact your periodontist, you may have developed periodontal disease, which can generally leave you with no teeth.

Today, for the treatment of periodontitis doctors use various types of treatment - vacuum massage, wraps, etc., but they all require you to be patient: one session periodontal disease is not cured, count on 5-10 sessions.
Doctors do not recommend self-treating gum disease herbs or drugs, as this may weaken the clinical picture of the disease, but inflammation in the gums will continue. Also, if you have not removed plaque, and you have appointed themselves herbal rinse (eg, from the roots of sweet flag), then be prepared for the fact that your teeth, especially where the plaque and tartar, darken, and clean the mess it would be difficult to even the most stiff brush.
So do not engage in self, trust the professionals. Otherwise, there would be nothing to clean!

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