Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cosmetic Bath At Home

Bath is not just an invention of mankind, is available in almost every home. If properly organized, this procedure may be obtained not only pleasant relaxation, but also benefit his weary from the load of modern life the body. Even without seeking the services of beauty salons and spas, at home, perhaps to organize for themselves a little fun.
These procedures do not require large financial costs, but the body will bring tangible benefits. First of all, bath greatly improves blood circulation and purifies the skin, and thereby positively affect overall health.
With the proper acceptance of cosmetic baths should be enough to do one simple rule - take a warm shower first. No soap or gel, simply rinse with a shower with warm water. Best of all, when you can stand under the shower, so you'll feel like being sprayed with water and with it leaves the body tired. Do not make the shower is too hot or cold water temperature should be slightly above body temperature and do not cause noticeable discomfort. Just 10 minutes of being under such a shower fully prepare you to take a miraculous water treatments, what is the bath.
So, what kinds of cosmetic baths every woman can be arranged at home?

First, a bath with lime flowers. On the way home will not cause particular difficulty to look at the drugstore and buy a few boxes lime flowers. In preparing the bath should be about 100 grams of flowers (about 2-3 boxes, depending on the packaging) to put in a saucepan and pour it into 2 liters of water. Water for these purposes should take cold. After the flowers get wet - it takes about 5-6 minutes, the pan should be put on the stove and boil. After 5-6 minutes of boiling turn off the stove and give stand another 15 minutes. The resulting infusion of linden flowers poured through a strainer or cheesecloth, and then poured into the prepared bath.
Bath with lime flowers besides the common properties of any relaxing bath helps to relieve the tension of the nervous system, soothes, relieves irritation. Do not abuse the adoption of the bath. Take it costs no more than 3-4 times a month.
Secondly, a bath with lemon. For its preparation is necessary to cut the peel from two - three fresh lemons, which insist either in cold water for 2-3 days in either boiling water to reach room temperature. Having a relaxing effect, a bath reduces oily skin, clears its pores.
Thirdly, a bath with oat bran. Only 3 tablespoons of bran should be wrapped in gauze in a bag and using a wire or rubber bands attach it under the tap. Fill the bath, the water must pass through the bran. This bath is indispensable to reduce skin dryness, obtaining beneficial effect on her.
Fourth, the pink bathtub. Such cosmetic bath is the most expensive of these, but has a positive impact on the overall condition of the body and skin, reduces skin dryness and improves mood, helps you relax after hard working week. The adoption of this bath would take about 300 grams of rose petals to be placed in water and mixed with 250 grams of ordinary baking soda. The resulting mixture is poured into the prepared trough without straining.
A few tips:
• Taking these baths, to achieve greater effect, stroke and massage themselves, periodically changing the position of the body in the bathtub.
• After taking a bath should not be immediately active wipe. Better wrapped in a towel, lie down, relax, about 15-20 minutes on the bed.
• Do not recommend taking any kind of bathing immediately after a meal.
• When taking a bath and relax, think positive and do not forget to leave your cell phone outside the bathroom.

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