Monday, February 7, 2011

Freckles and Dark Spots - An Ornament or A Disease?

Almost most of us in the spring on his face appear perky little red spots. Someone they like and someone is trying through various means as soon as possible to get rid of them. Freckles are considered especially skin pigmentation, which is transmitted by heredity. Usually their appearance begins at an early age, approximately five years.
Freckles and dark spots increases markedly with the onset of spring and summer. At this very heavily influenced by the intense sunlight. The most interesting thing that many people simply touched by the sight of freckles at others, but themselves diligently trying all ways to get rid of them. They indulge in the sun baths, and spend a huge amount of money on cosmetics. Most freckles observed in blonde women and usually at a young age. Subsequently, over the years, the freckles are reduced and then completely disappear.
Unlike freckles, dark spots are not so beautiful. They are brown spots, sometimes to dark shades, uneven shapes that appear on the skin of women.

Very often the spots occur in pregnant women, but not the exclusion of their appearance in chronic diseases, diseases of the liver, adrenal glands, ovaries. Long-term use of the same cosmetics (lotion for the face, soap, milk, etc.) also contributes to the appearance of pigment spots. Also, spots may occur when the tangency to work with gasoline, lubricating oil. And of course too long finding the sun in this case, adversely affect the skin.
As soon as the spots appeared on his face, you must immediately establish the cause of their appearance, and only then begin treatment. Spots, as well as freckles, much easier to prevent than in consequence of their output. Initially, you should avoid the first rays of spring sun. They are usually active appearance starts from March to April.
It really helps with freckles and age spots vitamin C, which can bleach them. Therefore, it must take daily, in addition, it is an excellent means of spring vitamin deficiencies.
Astrology believe that freckles, acting on the body only in spring and summer, are a sign of Mercury. All living things begins a pronounced activity in the spring. The human body also stores energy, which contributes to the appearance of freckles. But it happens and vice versa, when a person suffers a shortage of energy that takes away from it people, animals and plants. This is due to the fact that we shoot in the spring, many seasonal fashions, and therefore more amenable to various influences.
Ancient thinkers offered to get rid of freckles, they believed that in this way can improve the protective power of the body. When freckles are located only on the face - it does not reduce the biological energy of the person. But if they were scattered on the unfavorable side of man, that's bad. Unfavorably by men - the left, and women - right.
The appearance of freckles on the body in the olden time is regarded as a prediction. For example, their deposit under the left scapula was treated in rapid resolution of critical issues with other people. If a freckle appeared on your feet - this is the closest trip, but on the hands - a different job.

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