Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fruit Bath For Health, Beauty and Pleasure

If you can not afford regular visits to spas and salons, where you can enjoy a variety of fruity bath, then this article is just for you. I will teach you how to do such a bath, so having fun is maximized. And the recipes that I give a very simple and the ingredients can be found in almost every kitchen.
To enhance the positive effects of this procedure, it is desirable to advance the sauna or at least make the peeling skin. After this training the pores of your skin will be open for the admission of new nutrients fruit bath.
So, to start prepare banana bath.

Take a kilo of bananas, and 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, thoroughly mix all of this. Should get a pap. If you wish, then add tea tree oil, or any aromatic oil. Then the fun will be double. Dip it in full of warm, but not too hot water bath and dive there yourself. Turn on your favorite music and enjoy!
Orange bath came to us from China. At least that's what is commonly thought.

Peel of citrus fruit of three dry and grind in a blender or coffee grinder. The powder should be very, very small. Now take some fresh oranges and squeeze out three or four hundred milliliters of juice. Powder mixed with juice and pour a few tablespoons of olive oil. The resulting composition pour in warm water.
After the bath your body needs to relax and the skin become soft and pleasant. By the way, instead of oranges, you can use other citrus fruits such as grapefruit. Also, the citrus peel is added to the bath for the feet, heels that were soft as a baby. Do not forget after the procedure to use nourishing cream.

In addition to fruit baths, do not forget about a very simple but very popular (and deservedly) a bath of Cleopatra. Liter of warm milk, mix with a glass of honey and pour the mixture into the bath. Skin after such a procedure will be silky smooth and very beautiful. If desired, you can also add aromatic oil or tea tree oil.
It is worth further note that after such fruit bath comes complete relaxation. Therefore select procedure after half an hour to rest. Just lie back on the couch and relax.

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