Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Peels at Home

The word comes from peeling the English verb to peel, which translated into Russian language sounds like - brush away from cover. In this connection, refer to the peeling brush away, as well as exfoliating means returning your skin beautiful and healthy. The most popular at the moment, enjoy the four types of exfoliation: chemical, mechanical, vacuum and laser.

For spending this procedure at home, will only fit one type - a mechanical one. This kind of peeling means - the use of various cosmetic means of which consists of small, natural or artificial abrasives. It can be quite finely ground apricot pits, a special wax, nuts, and various elements constituting the sand and mud are. Many of these home remedies are called scrubs. Minuscule particles of these substances are used for easy purification of human skin from a variety of stubborn dirt and exfoliate the stratum corneum, thus removing all the old scales, which prevent skin updated.

When spending peel at home is worth special attention given to skin type. For a thin and dry skin exfoliation should be done, no more than 2 times a week, and for oily skin this procedure can be repeated a little more often - about once a week.

Keep in mind that dry skin is very negative attitude is very common in the peel and seed particles nut shell, because they are to thin and dry skin is too sharp. For people with this type of skin, better fit and help peeling delicate, cream base, which usually contains a wax, exfoliating and cleansing the skin.
You can not use various means to purchase-peeling, and make their own. Then you will know what is included in the composition and having tried a couple of recipes that will be able to choose the most suitable for your skin type.

For purifying mask of honey will need the following ingredients: need to melt in a water bath a couple of tablespoons of honey, then add the juice of half a lemon and still, one tablespoon of wheat bran. This mask will have the best effect on rough skin with signs of acne. It has a refreshing, clarifying and nourishing effect on problematic skin, and use bran has a regenerating effect.

You can use the peel to cheese base with the addition of coffee: Collect coffee grounds from a mug in ostuzhennom able to mix it with equal amounts of cheese, and then have to apply in a circular motion to get a lot, on the face, and the like massaging her. All rinse with warm some water after
5-10 minutes.

Lightest in its preparation and use sweet peel is done as follows: Mix five tablespoons of sugar and whipped cream (enough for one packet) and immediately applied to the face. Gently massage and rinse with warm water.
Good action will scrub carrots and oatmeal: Squeeze juice from grated carrots, mix it with oatmeal and porridge to swell. After that, apply the mixture on the skin, after 10-12 minutes to wash off.
The most popular scrub with sea salt: It includes, body oil, or, in extreme cases, olive oil and sea salt. These ingredients are mixed together and then applied to the skin. Better to wait for 2-3 minutes. In order to dissolve salt crystals, the substrate is better to massage skin in circular motions. After the procedure, wash scrub water.

And finally a recipe salt scrub, which is only normal skin: there is a need to apply this kind of scrub the shower, mix a small amount of water (about 5 tablespoons) with 2-3 tablespoons of coarse salt, wait a minute, at the same time slowly stirring the mixture and apply with circular movements on the skin, but after 5-10 minutes, rinse with warm vodoy.Vasha skin is more supple and healthy looking.

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