Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Healthier You... (Part 4)

9. Get Your Oats

No, not that kind, the edible sort. Oats are great source of soluble fibre (which keeps you regular and helps reduce cholesterol) and they’re calming and filling. So mix up some porridge, pour out some muesli or sprinkle some oats over your usual cereal.

10. Ward Off Evil

Chop a couple more cloves of garlic into your soup, stir-fry or salad dressing and you’ll be helping to ward off cancer and heart problems (as well as your colleagues!). According to the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, regularly eating garlic can halve your risk of stomach cancer, and a study by Litchtwer Parma.

11. Forgive And Forget

Someone upset you? Let it go, says psychologist Michael E McCullough of Southern Methodist University, US. It’s normal to dwell on something bad, and even to want revenge, but it’s wasted time and doesn’t help you in the long run. The most mentally healthy people, he says, are those who take the time to forgive, not plot revenge.

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