Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Healthier You... (Part 5)

12. Keep On Moving

Seven half-hours sessions a week is the bare minimum of exercise you should be doing, according to the World Health Organisation. It believes sedentary living is killing us by contributing to the massive rise in obesity, heart disease and diabetes. If you can’t get the gym, try to do six, five-minute bursts of extra everyday activities – carrying shopping, walking, dancing, washing windows and cleaning all count.

13. End Of The Line

As well as the skin on your face, make sure you’re looking after your neck, too – otherwise it’ll show, says Kathryn Marsden, author of Superskin. ‘Your face ends where your bra begins,’ she says. So include your neck in your face routine – for five minutes a night, massage cream into your chest, neck and shoulders and the back of your neck up to your ears.

14. Mix It Up

An easy way to up your fluid and fresh fruit intakes is by making yourself delicious US-style health shake, such as a Creamy Orange Pineapple Refresher. Whizz together the following healthy ingredients in your blender: 125ml orange juice, 99g canned pineapple chunks in unsweetened juice, 125ml live low-fat yogurt and 1tsp of wheat germ.

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