Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Healthier You... (Part 6)

15. Stop Dieting, Start Eating

If you spend your time meals counting calories or working out portions, stop! According to weight-loss guru Pete Cohen, what you need is to spend that time imagining what you’d like to eat. Then ask yourself, ‘Is this food going to give me energy or take it away from me?’ If the answer is positive, you can tuck in!

16. Be Write On

‘If you’re really angry or pissed off with someone, write a letter to them saying what you really want to say,’ says Kristina Downing-Orr. ‘You can be as venomous as you like, dredging up all the toxins as a way of releasing them.’ Sound dangerous? The trick is, you don’t send it.

17. Count Your Blessings

It’s worth talking five minutes to think about what’s good in your life, according to a study in the Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology. In the long term, optimists are better at coping with life’s downs, such as stress and depression.

18. Roll With It

‘Every movement you make comes from your core-stability muscles – in your pelvic, abdominal and lower-back area – so you need to keep them strong,’ says Emma Penman, a London-based personal trainer and sports massage therapist. Try this five-minute move using a Swiss ball (the unstable surface means more muscles have to work to stabilize you). Lying on the floor, put your ankles on the ball. Keeping your arms by your sides on the floor with your palms facing upwards, lift your hips until there’s straight line from your shoulders to your hips to your ankles. Squeeze every muscle you can feel for ten seconds, then lower your body and relax. Remember to keep up a regular breathing rhythm. Repeat twice. You

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